Hey everybody! FlowMapp Team here. Important notice in regards to two tools on our platform. With a heavy heart we have to inform you about our decision to disable the development and further support of CJM and Personas tools.


It’s like a hard break-up with a girlfriend. We invested a lot of our time and energy, assets, love and care, attention to details, Friday releases and bugs, users’ feedback, but let’s look at the situation from different angles.


FlowMapp is a small team, therefore we are unable to bring to life all of our ideas, unfortunately. Even if we reach both the maximum speed and the best of our potential.

Utilisation statistics

The data collected  revealed that these tools did not manage to gain the same level of popularity as Sitemap and Flowchart. Our vision is that the collaborative tools industry gave birth to such features as FigJam, Miro and Notion, which are more applicable for projects UX frameworks CJM/User Persona.


We noticed that the majority of our users and customers apply FlowMapp for websites creating and planning, and for this reason we would like to keep our platform focused on web design and development, without adding new UX frameworks.

New Flowmapp release

New version release has been delayed due to a number of factors, the main of which is a massive legacy of these tools code base. We believe that disabling of CJM and Personas functions will allow us to concentrate our development on our main and new features. 
No data will be lost

Disconnection is planned to happen within several steps:

  • Informing users of the platform by means of email notification and in social media
    — June 2022
  • Users will be able to export all necessary data and already created CJMs and Personas themselves
    — until August 2022
  • Removing of function after FlowMapp 2.0 release (no access to previously created projects)
    — August 2022
  • Even after the functions CJM and Personas get disabled your files and data could be exported upon your request, none of your files will be lost
    — until January 2022

Thank you for understanding and your amazing support. We still aim to create value for design and product community.

If you have any questions or need help, we’re always open to you. Just email us at support@flowmapp.com