Project Manager Planning Tools: Best Approaches to Use in Practice

Suppose your project involves creating a solution from scratch. In that case, it is essential to initially ensure consistency between individual specialists in the team, visualize the work scope if possible, and implement methods and tools to track the status of specific tasks. Below, we will reveal the best practices for using planning tools and consider their exceptional use cases.

Screenshot of a user interface showcasing various features and elements - product by FlowMapp

Understanding Project Manager Planning Tools

Project management tools are specialized software products designed to manage projects of any size and complexity. They provide features that allow you to plan a scope of work, track progress, manage resources and deadlines, communicate within your project team, and much more. In particular, when it comes to creating a digital solution, it is essential to initially have at least primitive sketches of its structure, functionality, user flows, and so on, in the most convenient format for perception - visual.

Further, in addition to this basic functionality, depending on your unique needs for organizing work processes in your team, additional tools may be helpful for you:

Task management

It allows you to create, assign, and track project tasks and determine priorities, deadlines, and those responsible for their implementation.

Example interface design displaying user interaction options - product by FlowMapp
Graphic representation of a user interface layout with navigation tools - product by FlowMapp

Building of Gantt and Perth charts

They provide the ability to visualize dependencies between tasks, estimate project duration, identify critical paths, etc.

Resource management

It allows you to distribute resources (people, materials, equipment) to perform tasks and control their load and availability.

Graphic representation of an interface design with interactive components - product by FlowMapp
List illustrating the project budget and other expenses

Budget control

Provides the ability to estimate and track project costs, set budgets, and control financial flows.

Communication and collaboration

Provides tools for information sharing, communication, and cooperation within the project team, including file sharing, comments, notifications, etc.

Example interface layout with menus, tabs, and interactive elements - product by FlowMapp
Illustration of an interface design showcasing user interaction possibilities - product by FlowMapp

Reporting and analytics

Provides the ability to create project progress reports, analyze data, identify trends, and evaluate performance.

Integration with other tools

Many project manager scheduling tools can integrate with various tools and services, such as email, calendars, and storage systems.

Illustration of an interface prototype demonstrating functionality - product by FlowMapp

TOP-3 Challenges in Planning and How Tools Address Them

When planning projects, various problems may arise that require immediate action to resolve. Planning tools can help solve these difficulties.


Unclear or changing requirements

The problem is that the project requirements may change during implementation. To reduce the number of possible changes to a minimum, it is important to agree on as many of these requirements as possible in the least resource-intensive ways from the beginning. 
For example, you can use the project structure visualization and prototyping tools that Flowmapp offers.

Diagram illustrating interconnections between elements with arrows - by FlowMapp

Uneven distribution of resources

When resources are under-allocated or unevenly loaded, tasks can be delayed. In turn, if you visualize the scope of work, you can determine the timing and complexity of each task at the early stages of the project and assign employees responsible for them. All this is also available in Flowmapp.

Chart depicting information flow between elements - by FlowMapp

Communication problems

Insufficient communication between the project team and stakeholders can lead 
to misunderstandings and errors. To ensure effective collaboration between project participants, you can use communication and collaboration tools with extensive commenting, sharing, editing, etc. capabilities, such as Flowmapp.

Display of an interface prototype showing user input fields and buttons - product by FlowMapp

Best Practices for Utilizing Planning Tools

Using best practices in project management is vital to successful project completion. Here are some tips for using project management tools:

Update task statuses regularly to ensure team members can complete their responsibilities on time. This promotes transparency and clarity in the work of the entire team.

Document and organize files, ensuring essential project information is easily accessible 
to all team members. This helps you collaborate effectively and avoid data loss.

Set realistic deadlines to ensure goals are achievable and prevent unnecessary stress 
or delays in project completion. Efficient time management helps keep the project on track.

Maintain open and regular communication with team members, encouraging collaboration, providing timely feedback, and problem-solving. Effective communication reduces the risk of misunderstandings and increases productivity.

Integrating planning tools into project management methodologies involves aligning the tools' capabilities with the chosen methodology's principles and processes. Critical steps in this process include understanding the method, defining appropriate processes, selecting appropriate tools, tailoring their use to the methodology, integrating with other tools and systems, training the team, and continuously adapting to meet project requirements.

Selection Criteria for Planning Tools

To get the most positive experience, you should adhere to specific criteria when choosing  project planning tools.

Defining requirements

It's crucial to analyze your business and team's specific needs. Some tools offer many features, but you may be satisfied with limited options. Focus on what you need.


When choosing a tool, consider your business expansion plans. The optimal solution should be able to scale with your company's growth and the number of projects.


Ease of use and understanding the interface are critical factors for successfully adopting the tool within your team. Pay attention to the availability of training or resources to help your team learn a new tool.

Compatible with other tools

Integration with existing tools also plays an important role. This will help avoid data isolation and facilitate collaboration between different systems.


It is essential to find a balance between the cost and functionality of the tool. Remember that expensive tools do not always mean better quality and free tools may have limitations.

Customer support

Reliable customer support can make a difference when encountering problems or needing quick assistance. Check support availability and quality before making a decision.

Reviews and recommendations

Check out reviews and recommendations from other users or industry professionals. This will help you gain additional perspective on the advantages and disadvantages of different project management tools.

Case Studies and Examples

We often communicate with senior executives of successful IT companies and repeatedly ask how they manage project management. In the vast majority of cases, after testing various tools, they usually chose:


For planning and distributing tasks among team members and tracking their completion status

For example, Trello, Hubspot, Zoho Projects, and Jira

Visual depiction of a user interface with menu options and buttons



For scheduling important events, meetings, and so on

For example, Google Calendar, Sunsama, and Vimcal

Screenshot of an interface mockup highlighting user control elements - Calendar

Google Calendar


Various highly specialized tools with rich capabilities for sharing, commenting, and editing projects

For example, version control systems Git for developers, Jira as a bug tracking tool for testers, and Flowmapp for designers

Graphic representation of relationships with elements denoted by arrows - by FlowMapp


Thus, an average flit software emerges that has proven itself in practice and can be used by any other company for effective task management.

Future Trends and Innovations

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, where machine learning algorithms will be used to analyze project data, predict risks, and optimize schedules.

Planning tools will provide more advanced data visualization and analytics to help make more informed decisions and improve project planning.

With the increasing popularity of agile project management methodologies, planning software will offer support for hybrid approaches, allowing you to combine elements 
of different methods to tailor to the unique needs of a project.

Such tools will provide more significant opportunities to automate routine tasks, optimize planning processes, and manage resources, which will help increase efficiency and reduce time costs.

As data security becomes increasingly essential, future tools, including data encryption, user authentication, and cybersecurity measures, will provide greater levels of security and privacy of information.

See how FlowMapp UX platform alone can improve all planning process

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