8 user flow examples based on real UX Practice

No one adds new features/pages to a website just like that, right? They are definitely needed for something. However, how can you encourage visitors to use them fully and perform specific targeted actions without causing them mental pain? Actually, this is what user flow is for

Sign in process user flow, created with FlowMapp User Flow diagram tool. Logical blocks, connected with arrows

A well-thought-out user flow is like a pleasant walk in a large natural park. Here, by following well-equipped paths and signs, you will always spend time much more productively than in an area without a single hint of a route. Moreover, sometimes, this thoughtfulness becomes the only way to get out of this park safe and sound and not get lost so that 911 will have to look for you

User flow diagrams are a must in web development

Let's check the statistics: according to the independent organization, GoodFirms, 61.5% of designers surveyed believe that one of the main reasons why users leave a website or app early is a poorly thought-out navigation. At the same time, 38.5% of designers say that, most often, the key problem is outdated design. Finally, 34.6% of respondents identify poor, illogical content structure as a general cause for visitors’ leaving

User flow combined with visual sitemaps. Login user flow process but instead a classic logical figures using a page card with visual previews of content of each page

User flow diagram is still the core approach to UX design

In general, the justification for creating user flows lies in the following: the more you assist users in performing targeted actions, the more convenient it will be for them and the better the overall user experience. However, if this thesis is still not enough for you, here are some more compelling reasons to encourage you to think about the reasonability of this design development stage:

You get the ability to walk in users’ shoes already in the early development stages

User flows help developers perceive the interface from the point of view of the users themselves. Thus, they will be able to evaluate its convenience before they begin to implement its features. Moreover, this approach will help them reduce the number of steps to complete the target action and, thus, make the final solution more convenient and intuitive.

You form a fairly accurate idea of how the finished solution will work

User flows demonstrate the steps that users will have to go through in order to complete a specific target action. This way, your team will always have an illustrated guide at hand to how the completed solution should function. Also, at any stage of development, you will be able to demonstrate it to stakeholders to approve the details.

You optimize the process of working on a project and generally reduce the number of edits

User flows often become one of the key artifacts that display reliable and objective information about what the final product will be like. Thanks to this, misunderstandings between development team members will be minimized, and the number of edits made by the product owner will be significantly reduced.

Great examples of user flows

Now, it’s a great time to move from theory to practice and consider special cases of user flow diagram examples, ideal for all occasions


Example of user flow for UX design

This user flow shows what path the user must take to change the photo. This diagram visualizes not only the path but also the specific pages you will have to develop. This explains the fact why, sometimes, a user flow can be used both as a map of user actions and as a technical task for a web designer and developers, too

User flow diagram showing a process of updating a profile picture

Example of user flow for project management

This diagram shows the registration process. In this case, user flow is very convenient for project or product managers to assess the complexity of a particular user story, draw up specifications for designers and developers, or prepare a presentation for stakeholders

User flow diagram showing a process of users signing in

Example of user flow for business analytics

With the user flow diagram, you can easily plan campaigns for sales or promotion of products and services, as well as identify relationships and points of increased conversion along the user’s path to performing a target action

User flow diagram showing a process of online order

Example of user flow for marketing goals

This user flow will make any process more understandable and allow you to identify things that may not seem obvious at first glance. At the same time, it is concise enough to have a minimal impact on the complexity and cost of the development process

User flow diagram for a referral program

Example of user flow in the initiation stage

User Flow will allow to form an accurate picture of the scope of a particular feature, and build a plan for its development

User flow diagram example

Example of user flow for UX design

This diagram will help you understand complex user behavior scenarios. At the same time, by using it, you will not lose sight of the slightest detail, which, in the future, could have a significant impact on the project’s success. Page covers, created by the Sitemap tool, help to provide a cleaner and more visible structure.

User flow diagram example

Example of user flow for SaaS product management

User flow will allow you to add new features to the project without complicating it for end users. As a result, you will be able to lead them to perform target actions just as effectively as before and with the same (high) conversion rates

User flow diagram of booking

Example of a free user flow diagram tool

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