Storyboarding is a series of images arranged in a linear sequence that conveys a story. Storyboarding in UX is a tool that the designer uses to explore the user experience. By creating a story of how the user uses the product over time, the designer understands what is important to the user.

The term came from the film industry, where for making a successful movie, it is crucial to create the sequence of pictures, illustrating the plot before the shooting is started.


Elements and Tips

  • Character
    ‍In other words, the user's persona. Display the character's behavior, feelings, and emotions, actions performed and decisions made.‍
  • Scene
    ‍This is a user story. Describe the scenario briefly and precisely, so that it is clear what you are talking about.‍
  • Plot
    ‍Describe the problem that the user can solve with the product. The story must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Think about why the problem occurred and how it can be solved. Defining the user's goal will help you write a plot.‍
  • Visuals
    ‍Use sketches, illustrations, or photos. You do not need to draw masterfully, as long as your idea can be understood. Later, you can refine the sketch and make it more detailed and accurate. Depict the user's surroundings, speech bubbles, or how they interact with the product.‍
  • Caption
    ‍Write a caption for each visual. Describe what the character does, what surrounds him or her, what he or she uses, what he or she feels. Keep your captions short so you don't overload the storyboard.

How to Create UX-Storyboarding

Why Use

  1. To explore the user experience.
  2. To design the user experience.
  3. To visualize the idea.
  4. To understand which features are needed in the product and which are redundant.
  5. To introduce stakeholders to the prototype of the product and to get their opinion.